Basic Drilling and Completion Operation With HSE Consideration
- Memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar dan berbagai perhitungan sederhana untuk pelaksanaan pemboran sumur-sumur minyak, gas dan reservoir panas bumi, pengembangan pelaksanaan perhitungan ini untuk meningkatkan kinerja pemboran sumur-sumur di lapangan.
- Melakukan diagnosis sederhana dan mengerti penyelesaian (well completion) dan membuat suatu sumur minyak, gas atau panas bumi.
- Membuat analisis sederhana terhadap data eksplorasi sumuran minyak, gas dan panas bumi , kemudian mampu melakukan perancangan global pemboran kinerja dan merencanakan pengembangannya.
- Melakukan perhitungan-perhitungan kuantitatif sederhana untuk perencanaan lumpur pemboran, semen, hidrolika, well control.
- Mempergunakan pengetahuan dalam perancangan pemboran tegak, untuk keperluan perencanaan pemboran sumur miring, sumur horizontal baik dengan teknologi overbalance maupun underbalance.
- Pengetahuan tentang Peraturan Perundangan dalam K3L
- K3L dalam Operasi Pemboran dan Workover
Latar belakang : Operator/Senior Operator/Engineer/Non Engineer
Introduction : Rotary Drilling Operations
- Steps to drilling a well
- Types of rigs
- Rig Components
- Rig Systems
Rheology of Drilling and Completion Fluids
- Equations and Inflow Performance RelationshipFunctions of Drilling/Completion Fluids
- Fluid Types,
- Fluid Models
- Introduction to Rotary Viscometer
- Other Testing Equipment
- Objectives of Monitoring Fluids
Mud System
- General Equations and ConceptsDiagnostic tests
- Water based muds
- Oil based muds
- Additives
- Mud handling system
- Tubing DesignFunctions of cement
- Cement Types
- Cement Additives
Oil Field Tubulars and Hydraulics
- Drill string
- Casing and tubing
- Casing classification
- Stresses on casing
- Casing setting depth
- Burst and collapse calculations
- Wellheads
Drilling System – Pressure Loss Calculations
- Hydrostatics
- Buoyancy
- Flow through pipes and annuli
- Flow path
- Pressure loss calculations
Drilling System – Bit & Nozzles
- Hydrostatics Bit Types
- Bit Parts
- Bit Classification
- Bit Nozzles
Introduction to Well Control
- Hydrostatics Definitions
- Causes of kicks
- Kick indicators
- Shut-in procedure
- Well Kill Procedures
Directional Drilling
- Reasons for directional wells
- Planning Trajectory
- Kickoff Methods
- Survey Methods
- Survey Calculations
Penyelesaian sumur (Well Completion)
Tipe-tipe penyelesaian sumur
- Tipe penyelesaian sumur berdasarkan pemasangan pipa selubung
- Tipe penyelesaian sumur berdasarkan jumlah zona produksi
Peralatan bawah tanah
- Pendahuluan
- Peralatan produksi bawah sumur
Penyelesaian sumur untuk sumur-sumur pengangkatan buatan
- Sucker Rod Pump (Pompa angguk)
- Electric Submersible Pump
- Gas lift
- Hydraulic Pump
- Pompa Jet
Kerja ulang sumur (Work Over)
Faktor-faktor penyebab kehilangan produksi
- Problem Reservoir
- Problem mekanikal
Perawatan sumur
- Kerusakan Peralatan
- Masalah Parafin
- Pengendapan Scale dan Pengontrolannya
- Masalah Pasir
- Kerusakan Formasi
Tipe-tipe Pengerjaan Kerja Ulang Sumur
- Mengubah Zona Produksi
- Perangsangan Sumur (Well Stimulation)
- Squeeze Cementing
Peralatan Kerja Ulang
- Menara (Rig) Konvensional
- Unit Wireline
- Gulungan Tubing Tanpa Sambungan (Endless Tubing Coil)
- Unit Snubbing
Sand Control Technology
Sand Control Concept
- Reason for Sand Control
- Determining Need for Sand Control
- Selecting Type of Control
- Proper Drilling and Completion
Gravel and Screen Selection
- Slot and Gravel Size Design
- Slotted Liners
- Screens
- Prerpacks
Inside Gravel Packing
- Perforation Packing
- Two Stages Methods
- Use of Viscous Carrying Fluid
- Downhole Equipment
- Type of Operation
- Sigle Stage Methods
Open Hole Gravel Packing
- Conventional Methods
- Special Tools and Operations
- Zone Isolation Methods
- Model Study Result
- Deviated Well Problem and Solutions
- Formation Consolidation
- Consolidation System Features
- Well Preparation and Design Factor
- Consolidated Packs
- Water Base Systems
- Thermosetting Gravel Packs
Stable Arc Sand Control
- The Stable Concept
- Applying Stress for Sand Control
- Conventional Cementing Limitations
- Downhole Equipment
- Type of Operation
Health, Safety and Environmental Consideration in Drilling Operation
- Peraturan Perundangan tentang K3L
- Pengaruh Gas Beracun pada Operasi Pemboran
- Pengaruh Gas Beracun Bagi Kesehatan
- H2S
- Gas Detection Equipments
- Noise level & exposure in Oil Gas Industry
- Noise Mapping
Instructor :
- 1. Dr.Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA
- 2. Ir. Radintya Danas, MT
Tempat dan Jadwal : Jakarta-Bandung-Yogya-Bali
JAN. |
FEB. | MAR. | APR. | MEI | JUNI | JULI | AGT. | SEP. | OKT. | NOV. | DES. | HARGA |
8-10 |
17-19 | 24-26 | 14-16 | 14-16 | 23-25 | 7-9 | 18-20 | 29-1 | 15-17 | 5-7 | 17-19 | 8.500.000 |
Harga : Belum Termasuk Pajak 11 %
- Modul Training
- Sertifikat Pelatihan
- ATK : Block Note dan Ballpoint
- Souvenir Training
- Ruang Training dengan Fasilitas Full AC dan Multimedia
- Makan Siang dan 2 kali Coffee Break Selama Training
- Qualified Instructor Training
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