Training Production Well handling, Separation & Measurement

OBJECTIVES : After participate in thid course, the participants will be abble and cappable to : Understand the basic concept of oil and gas handling processes and facilities, and how to operate this technology in field application. Diagnostic of oil and gas reservoir performance under actual drive mecanism and future performance with current handling processes. […]

Training Production Optimization and Minimizing Downtime

COURSE OBJECTIVES : After participate in this training , the participants will be able and capable to : Summarize the state of the art of Production Optimization and Minimizing Downtime technology. It included the example problems to illustrate the use of various theoretical solutions, it also listed an overview of Nodal Analysis System. This course […]

Training Petroleum System Evaluation Using Nodal Analysis

TARGET DAN TUJUAN : Setelah menyelesaikan  ini diharapkan peserta dapat : Memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar perhitungan optimisasi dan kontrol produksi sumur-sumur minyak, gas dan reservoir panas bumi, pengembangan pelaksannaan optimisasi produksi ini untuk meningkatkan kinerja produksi sumuran dan lapangan. Melakukan diagnosis sederhana dan memengerti penyelesaian optimisasi dan control produksi dengan analisis nodal. Membuat analisis sederhana terhadap […]