Exploration Engineering for Support Personnel
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- Memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar exploration enginering dan petroleum geology yang sangat erat kaitannya dengan teknologi eksploitasi migas.
- Melakukan diagnosis sederhana dan memahami pengelolaan data operasi data geologi produksi, data batuan dan fluida reservoir, data produksi, data operasi pemboran bahkan data analisis keekonomian.
- Membuat analisis sederhana terhadap data tersebut dan melakukan pengolahannya dengan mempergunakan metoda standar dalam petroleum geology dan teknologi perminyakan.
- Melakukan perhitungan-perhitungan kuantitatif sederhana dari seluruh data perolehan operasi perminyakan : geologi produksi, evaluasi data formasi produktif, data reservoir, data pemboran, data produksi bahkan data keekonomian.
Latar belakang beragam : Operator, Sr. Operator, Engineering dan Non Engineering
- Definitions
- The origine of Oil and Gas
- Principles of Oil and Gas Exploration
- Concept of exploration engineering and petroleum geology in petroleum enginering
- Context of petroleum geology within the Earth sciences
- Historical development of petrolrum geology and key concepts
- Temporal and spatial scales
Unconsolidated clastic sediments
- Grain-size (particle-size, granulometric) analysis
- Moment measures
- Sediment composition
- Sediment maturity
- Clay minerals
Sedimentary rocks
- Clastic (siliciclastic) rocks
- Carbonate sediments and rocks
- Organic (carbonaceous) sediments and rocks
- Evaporites
- Volcaniclastic sediments and rocks
- Compaction
- Cementation
- Dolomitization
- Hydrocarbon formation
Sediment transport and deposition
- Reynolds number
- Froude number
- Stokes’ Law
- Transport modes in a turbulent fluid
- Current ripples
- Dunes
- Plane beds and antidunes
- Waves
- Tides
- Ocean currents
- Gravity flows
Sedimentary structures
- Cross stratification
- Planar stratification
- Gravity-flow deposits
- Imbrication
- Sole marks
- Paleocurrent measurements
Facies and depositional environments
- The facies concept
- Lithofacies (physical and chemical characteristics)
- Biofacies (macrofossil content)
- Ichnofacies (trace fossils)
Glacial/eolian/lacustrine environments
- Glacial environments
- Eolian environments
- Lacustrine environments
Fluvial/deltaic/coastal environments
- Fluvial environments
- Deltaic environments
- Coastal environments
Shallow/deep marine environments
- Shallow marine environments
- Deep marine environments
Stratigraphic principles
- Lithostratigraphy
- Biostratigraphy
- Chronostratigraphy
- Geochronology
Sequence stratigraphy
- Parasequences
- Systems tracts
- Clastic environments
- Carbonate environments
- Sea-level change
- Seismic stratigraphy
- Cyclostratigraphy
Sedimentary basins
- Extension
- Collision
- Transtension
Models in sedimentary petroleum geology
- Conceptual models (qualitative models)
- Physical models (experimental models)
- Mathematical models (computer models)
- Deterministic models (physically-based or process-based)
- Stochastic models
Applied sedimentary geology
- Economic issues
- Environmental issues
- Reservoir modeling
- Coastal wetland loss
- Uniformitarianism
- Quaternary environments
Application of Exploration Engineering
- Path of G and G Modeling
- Fault Modeling
- Facies Modeling
- Reservoir Characterization
- Reservoir Simulation
Instructor : Dr. Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA
Tempat dan Jadwal : Jakarta-Bandung-Yogya-Bali
JAN. | FEB. | MAR. | APR. | MEI | JUNI | JULI | AGT. | SEP. | OKT. | NOV. | DES. | HARGA |
27-29 | 5-7 | 10-12 | 16-18 | 7-9 | 25-27 | 23-25 | 11-13 | 17-19 | 13-15 | 5-7 | 1-3 | 8.000.000 |
Harga : Belum Termasuk Pajak 11 %
- Modul Training
- Sertifikat Pelatihan
- ATK : Block Note dan Ballpoint
- Souvenir Training
- Ruang Training dengan Fasilitas Full AC dan Multimedia
- Makan Siang dan 2 kali Coffee Break Selama Training
- Qualified Instructor Training
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