After participate in this course, the participants will be able and capable to :
- Understand the basic concept of oil and gas handling processes and facilities, and how to operate this technology and equipment performance maintenance in field application.
- Diagnostic of oil and gas reservoir performance under actual drive mechanism and future performance with current handling processes.
- Analyze the production potential of reservoir under with actual handling system processes and to plan the better development processes according to reservoir capacity.
- Understand the fundamentals of microscopic and macroscopic aspects and phenomena of oil and gas handling processes.
No specified (Operator/Sr. Operator/Engineer or Non Engineer)
Oil Handling and Processing Facilities and Maintenance
Oil Well Surface Production Equipment and Operation
- Oil Well Equipment
- Oil Well Production Operation
- Well Automatic Safety Device
Oil Gathering System. Manifold and Flowline
- Oil Gathering System
- Manifold System
- oil gathering system, manifold and flowline, principles of measurement
- Flowline Sizing and Design
Crude Oil and Gas Separation
- Separator and Principle of Separation
- Design of Separator
- Oil Dehydration
Principles of Measurement
- Introduction to Measurement
- Crude Oil Measurement
- Gas Measurement
Well Test
- Introduction
- Responsibility for Test
- Preparation for Test
- Types of Well Test
- Equipment and Procedures
- Accuracy of Fluid Measurement
- Problem in Testing
- Type of Test
Gas Handling and Processing Facilities and Maintenance
Introduction to Gas Handling and Facilities
Gas Properties
- Ideal gas
- Real Gas
- Gas Formation Volume Factor
- Gas Compressibility
- Gas-Water System
- Gas-Condensate System
Gas Reservoir Performance
- Reservoir Gas Flow
- Gas Reserves
- Well Completion Effect
- Tight Gas Well
- Gas Well Testing
Gas Piping System
- Basic Flow Equation
- Flow in Wells and Flow in Pipelines
- Effect of Liquids
- Use of Pressure Traverse Curve
- Liquid Removal from Gas Wells
Gas Compression
- Type of Compressors
- Compressor Design
- Centrifugal Compressor
Total System Analysis
- Tubing and Flow Line Effect
- Separator Pressure Effect
- Compressor Selection
Flow Measuring
- Orifice Metering
- Metering System Design
- Other Metering Methods
Gas Condensate Reservoir
- Well Testing and Sampling
- Gas Cycling
Field Operation Problems
- Pressure Cumulative Production Plot
- Hydrate Formation
- Sour Gas Production
- Corrosion Control With Inhibitors
- Sulfur Deposition
Gas Processing
- Field treatment of Natural Gas
- Gas Plant Operation
- Gas Dehydration
- Gas Sweetening
Instructor : Team Trainer PT. IFORBIT
Tempat dan Jadwal : Jakarta-Bandung-Yogya-Bali
JAN. | FEB. | MAR. | APR. | MEI | JUNI | JULI | AGT. | SEP. | OKT. | NOV. | DES. |
22-24 |
10-12 | 17-19 | 14-16 | 26-28 | 2-4 | 1-3 | 28-29 | 1-3 | 29-31 | 3-5 | 1-3 |
8.200.000 |
Harga : Belum Termasuk Pajak 11 %
- Modul Training
- Sertifikat Pelatihan
- ATK : Block Note dan Ballpoint
- Souvenir Training
- Ruang Training dengan Fasilitas Full AC dan Multimedia
- Makan Siang dan 2 kali Coffee Break Selama Training
- Qualified Instructor Training
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