Oil and Gas Engineering Course Series 2025

Tingkatkan Karir Anda di Industri Energi!

Dapatkan pengetahuan mendalam tentang seluk-beluk engineering diindustri minyak dan gas. Pelatihan ini akan membekali Anda dengan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk bersaing di pasar yang dinamis. Kuasai teknologi terbaru, analisis data, dan strategi bisnis yang sukses dalam sektor energi.


  1. Process Simulation Flow Assurance
  2. Piping Stress Analysis
  3. HYSYS
  4. SACS
  5. ETAP
  6. PDMS
  7. Pipe Drafting
  8. Electrical Drafting


  1. Basic Drilling and Completion Operation With HSE Consideration
  2. Basic drilling engineering
  3. Basic Log Interpretation
  4. Basic Petroleum Engineering
  5. Basic Petroleum Engineering Practice
  6. Basic Petroleum Operation
  7. Basic Reservoir Engineering
  8. Basic Surface Safety System
  9. Advance scale Prevention and Water Technology
  10. Advanced Drilling
  11. Advanced Formation Evaluation
  12. Advanced Well Testing
  13. Applied Petroleum Geology For Non Geologist
  14. Applied Water Technology
  15. Artificial Lift design and Optimization
  16. Beam (Sucker Rod) Pump
  17. Blowout Prevention and Well Control
  18. Training Cased Hole Production Logging 
  19. Training Condensate & Water Distribution System
  20. Training Crude Oil Stabilization System
  21. Training Daily Well Management
  22. Training Downhole Production Modern Well Testing and Pressure Analysis
  23. Training Drilling Engineering and Well Planning
  24. Training Drilling Main Equipment Operations For drilling Crew
  25. Training Drilling Well Completion And Work Over
  26. Training Electric Submersible Pumping
  27. Training Energy Solution
  28. Training Enhanced Oil Recovery Technology To Boost Production
  29. Training Exploration Engineering For Support Personnel  
  30. Training Formation Damage and Stimulation Practice
  31. Training Formation Damage in Oil Gas Wells and Stimulation by Acidizing and hydraulic Fracturing
  32. Training Formation Evaluation Intermediate
  33. Training Fundamentals of Petrophysics
  34. Training Gas Conditioning and Processing Facilities
  35. Training Gas Detection and Flow Measurement
  36. Training Gas Handling, Conditioning and Processing
  37. Training Gas Lift Operation & Trouble Shooting
  38. Training Gas Management System
  39. Training Gas Plant Operation and Maintenance
  40. Training Gas Processing Calculation
  41. Training Gas Processing Principles Operation
  42. Training Gas Production Engineering
  43. Training Gas Reservoir and Field Production
  44. Training Gas Technology and Operation
  45. Training geophysics For Non Geophysicist
  46. Training Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Electric Control System
  47. Training Integrated Petroleum Reservoir Management
  48. Training Integrated Petroleum Reservoir Operation
  49. Training Integrated Reservoir Modeling
  50. Training Intelligent Pigging 
  51. Training Inventory Of Oil and Gas
  52. Training Material Knowledge for Drilling & Production Operation
  53. Training Mayor Oil and Gas Equipment
  54. Training Modern Hydrocarbon Well Production Logging data analysis and Interpretation
  55. Training Modern Well Log Interpretation
  56. Training Mud Design and Problem Solving
  57. Training Natural Gas process and Instrumentation
  58. Training Natural Gas Transportation & Utilization
  59. Training Nodal Analysis and Production Optimization
  60. Training Oil & Gas Reserves Evaluation
  61. Training Oil and Gas Dehydration System
  62. Training Oil and Gas Horizontal Well
  63. Training Oil and Gas Surface Production Operation Facilities and Maintenance
  64. Training Oil Gas and Water Handling Facilities
  65. Training Oil lost Control Management 
  66. Training Oil Measurement
  67. Training Oil, Gas and Water Handling Facilities
  68. Training Pengelolaan lapangan Mature, Tehnik & Strategi Meningkatkan Produksi
  69. Training Peningkatan Produksi Migas
  70. Training Petroleum and Petroleum Operation
  71. Training Petroleum Engineering and Geoscience Statistics
  72. Training Petroleum Engineering for Non-Engineering
  73. Training Petroleum System Evaluation Using Nodal Analysis
  74. Training Practical Aspect Of Artificial Lift Methods for Hydrocarbon Production System
  75. Training Practical Pumping Methods For Petroleum Production System
  76. Training Principles and practice of Flow Measurements  
  77. Training Production Downhole and Surface Facilities and Equipment
  78. Training production Logging
  79. Training Production Logging and Reservoir Monitoring
  80. Training Production Operation and Problem solving
  81. Training Production Operation Management For Managers
  82. Training Production Optimization and Minimizing Downtime
  83. Training Production Optimization Using Nodal Analysis
  84. Training Production Surface Facility Production, Process, Surface Equipment & ITS Operation
  85. Training production Well Handling
  86. Training Production Well handling, Separation & Measurement
  87. Training Pump : ESP, Hydraulic and Sucker Rod
  88. Training Pump and Turbine Selection, Design and Operation for Oil and Gas Production Facilities
  89. Training PVT and Reservoir Fluid Analyze
  90. Training Quantitative log Analysis and Petrophysics
  91. Training Reservoir Engineering For Other Disciplines
  92. Training Reservoir Fluid Analysis
  93. Training Reservoir, Well Test, Surveillance, Production System Processing and Facilities Of Natural Gas
  94. Training Sandy Well, Sand Control and Gravel Pack Technology
  95. Training Scale in oil field Water
  96. Training Stuck Pipe
  97. Training Subsurface and production Downhole
  98. Training Surface Production Equipment and Tools
  99. Training Surface Subsurface Oil and Gas Equipment and Facilities
  100. Training Water Flooding Basic Theory and Operation
  101. Training Well Completion and Well Intervention
  102. Training Well Completion and Work Over
  103. Training Well Injection Production And Reservoir Synergetic System For Steam Flood Process
  104. Training Well Optimization Artificial Lift, Gas Lift, Well Optimization, Troubleshooting
  105. Training Well Service Operation and Well Testing
  106. Training Well Test Design and Analysis
  107. Training Well Testing Practical and Analysis
  108. Training Wireline Technology
  109. Training Work Over, Well Service and HSE
  110. Training HSE Management for Oil and Gas Industry
  111. Training Project Management for Oil and Gas Sector
  112. The Course of oil and Gas Production Operation for field personnel
  113. The Course of Surface Production System & Trouble Shooting
  114. The Course of Valves and Chock
  115. Training Acidizing and Fracturing for Well Stimulation

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